Miscellaneous » Lower EL Home Explorations and Reading » About Home Explorations

About Home Explorations

The children learn so much from each other in Montessori and this is just one more positive chance for them to share what they know.  The younger children will be inspired by the work they see the older children present in class and all students will also gain public speaking and presentation skills.



Please choose 1 of the following activities to complete each week. Topics will be grouped according to subject and grade level; they will be changed periodically.


  1. Draw a picture and write about it.
  2. Research and write about the topic (Include a drawing or picture)
  3. Write a story.
  4. Create a diorama.
  5. Write a poem.
  6. Read a book, write a summary, and bring the book to share.
  7. Make a sculpture.
  8. Write or locate a song about your topic to share.
  9. Invent a dance.
  10. Write a book report.
  11. Take a picture and write about it.
  12. Make a game.
  13. Write a math problem.
  14. Conduct a science experiment
  15. Write a recipe and/ or prepare the item to share.